Given names at UBC

Many members of the UBC community use a given (or first) name other than their legal given names. A chosen (or preferred) name is a given name that someone commonly uses that is different from their legal given name.

Although most UBC systems use the phrase “preferred name”, for many people their preferred given name is not simply a preference: it is the only given name that they use and it is central to their identity. For this reason, this page also uses the phrase “chosen name.”

Note that UBC also allows students, faculty and staff to use a chosen last name. This page focuses on the use of chosen given names because of human rights implications in this area.

Names are an important part of who we are. When someone’s name is mispronounced or misused, it can make them feel disrespected, invisible and/or dismissed. Research shows that when the chosen first name of young trans people is used consistently, it both affirms their gender identity and reduces mental health risks known to be high in this group.

Inclusivity is an essential component of wellbeing and having a sense of belonging. Using someone’s chosen name validates their identity, helps make them feel like they belong to the space, and signals to them that you can be a supportive contact on campus. It also sends a message of inclusivity to all students, staff, and faculty at the university (including when attending classes, eating at residence dining halls, or borrowing library books).

At UBC, students are primarily known to staff and professors by their preferred/chosen given name. A preferred name is about what students want to be called, not what other people prefer to call them.

Students should indicate a preferred given name only if they want staff and faculty to refer to them by a name that is different from their legal given name. In order to help build a culture of inclusion at UBC, staff and faculty are strongly encouraged to respect and properly pronounce the name that students use, whether it is their legal name or not.

Please note: Students might still see their legal name in some online systems and communications. This is due to the complexity of UBC’s information systems and the inability of some systems to share information. UBC is working to create a more unified experience that would only display legal given name when legally required. If you have any concerns, please contact us

Preferred Names

Students can provide a preferred given name when they apply to UBC. Students at UBC can also update their preferred name by logging onto Workday. Specific instructions on how to do so can be found on

The earlier a student can provide a preferred name, the better. Updating a preferred name well ahead of a new term makes it more likely that the student’s name will be used consistently in their classes.

Staff or faculty at UBC can add or change their preferred name online through Workday. Go to Profile, then Personal, and you will find an Edit butter under Preferred Name. Your legal name must still appear on all legal documentation.

Faculty who want to update the name that appears on the Faculty Services Centre and the Instructor Search should put in an IT ticket to request a manual update.

Check the Person Name Data Standards (CWL required) to see the list of valid characters that can be included in a preferred name at UBC.

Legal Names

Once a staff member, faculty member or student has obtained a legal document that documents their name change, they can have their legal first or last name updated at UBC.

  • Vancouver students can find details on the Student Services website.
  • Okanagan students can contact the Student Services front desk.
  •  Faculty and staff can go through Workday to update their legal name. Go to Profile, then Personal, and you will find an Edit butter under Legal Name. You will be asked to upload documentation supporting your legal name change (any legal document showing your legal name).

  • Students, staff and faculty who have a given name they are commonly known by (e.g., Bill for William; DJ for Donna Jo).
  • Students, staff and faculty who have a given name that is commonly mispronounced (e.g., Andrzej, Siobhan).*
  • Students, staff and faculty who use an anglicized or westernized given name (e.g., Emily instead of Xinlan; Freddie instead of Farrokh).
  • Trans, Two-Spirit, and gender-nonconforming students, staff and faculty who choose a name that reflects their gender identity or expression (e.g., Yasmin instead of Ashkan; Jo instead of Josephine).
Please note: Many people with given names that are unfamiliar or harder to pronounce to English speakers want to use their legal name. In order to help build a culture of inclusion at UBC, staff, faculty and students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with names that are new to them.

Preferred Names

If a student has entered a preferred name in the Student Services Centre, they can expect to see this name used in the following places:

  • UBCcard:
    • This must be requested in person at the carding office as the online application does not currently support preferred names. You can replace the name on your current UBCcard at no cost. If this is your first UBC card, contact ahead of time to ensure your card is printed with your preferred name right from the start.
  • Class lists
  • The following university-related systems:
  • Informal communication between students and staff (emails, voicemails, etc.)
  • UBC Recreation
  • Student Housing
  • Counselling Services
  • Student Health Services (the name that appears on a student’s health card must appear on their chart for billing purposes, but their chosen name should be used consistently in interactions with staff)
Please note: At this time, a preferred given name will not appear on all UBC systems and services as not all UBC systems are centralized. Further, if you encounter inconsistent information related this topic on other UBC pages, or if you find yourself in a situation where UBC’s policies are not being followed, please contact us. Any changes may take 48 hours to take effect.

Legal Names

A legal name must be used for the following documents:

  • Official letters (including but not limited to: admission, enrollment, and award letters, student loans)
  • Tax forms
  • Transcripts
  • Diplomas, theses graduation book
  • Residence Contracts

Inappropriate Use of Preferred Name

There are a few cases where using a preferred name would be considered inappropriate:

  • Using a preferred name to avoid a legal obligation via misrepresentation
  • Using inappropriate language in a preferred name

These situations will result in the denial and/or reversal of the request and can be disciplined through either Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct.

In conversation, always use the name with which someone introduces themselves. For example, if someone introduces themselves as “Alex,” do not presume to call them Alexander.

If you are faculty: Class lists only displays one name column (see below screenshot). This column will display a student’s preferred name if they have provided one, or their legal name if they do not.

If you are staff: Someone’s preferred name appears on their student or staff card if they have requested it. In Workday, a student's preferred name is the only name that appears on the student's main profile page.

Make sure to be familiar with instances where preferred names can and cannot be used at UBC.

UBC is working to create a more unified experience that would only display legal given name when legally required but students, staff and faculty might still see their legal name, rather than preferred name, in some online systems and communications. This is due to the complexity of UBC’s information systems and the inability of some systems to share information.

If a legal name was used in a context where you would expect to see preferred name, students can discuss instances when their preferred/chosen name is not being used with their Enrolment Services Advisors (UBC Vancouver), and the Student Services front desk (UBC Okanagan). Students as well as staff and faculty can also reach to the Equity & Inclusion Office by contacting (this inbox is monitored by staff who have expertise in the area of gender diversity).

Students, staff and faculty on either campus who want to make a formal complaint regarding their name use can contact a Human Rights Advisor at the Equity & Inclusion Office.

While UBC allows students to indicate a preferred name without changing their legal name(s), it is important to think about possible impacts after graduation.

Official documents are often used to verify one’s identity when applying for work, or additional education. Some employers, licensing bodies, or other educational institutions may question the use of a preferred name in daily or informal correspondence. This discrepancy happens when institutions rely on legal names to be used consistently.

If someone is using a preferred name consistently, this may cause some confusion in situations where official documents have to be provided. For example, employers might be confused about a UBC student portfolio that uses a preferred name while the transcripts use a legal name.

Having a name legally changed is the best way to avoid confusion and ensure that someone is consistently addressed using the name that best reflects how they want to be known on campus and beyond. For more information on how to change your name legally in B.C., please refer to the Government of British Columbia.

If a student’s legal name changes and they wish to update their UBC records (including the title page of a thesis), the student should first update the legal name on record at UBC. Instructions can be found on the UBC Student Services website and change their legal name in the student system 

Once their legal name on record has been updated, students will be able to order transcripts or a replacement diploma in the new name. For students who want to update their name on their thesis, they can contact to arrange for the change to the thesis and associated record.