Looking to connect with 2SLGBTQIA+ faculty and staff at UBC? Join the Queer Faculty and Staff Collective.
The Queer Faculty and Staff Collective provides a space for UBC faculty and staff who identify as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities to come together, make connections and build community.
The group connects through a Microsoft Teams channel, regular Zoom meetings, and occasional in-person gatherings at both UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan. All members have an opportunity to and are invited to inform programming and activities by submitting their own ideas.
Participation benefits
- Build connections with 2SLGBTQIA+ faculty and staff members at UBC
- Become part of a larger, supportive community
- Inform and shape the affinity group space
- Stay in the know with community developments and opportunities
Who can join
The Queer Faculty and Staff Collective is open to faculty, staff and postdoctoral fellows who identify with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan.
Upcoming sessions
The meetings are held at 1:00pm every second Thursday of the month. The Zoom room opens early at 12:30pm for socializing, raising concerns, and asking questions.
Program contact
Rachael E. Sullivan
Equity Education Strategist