Watching Crazy Rich Asians in Vancouver (A Dialogue, Not A Film Screening)

The recent release of Crazy Rich Asians has sparked many conversations. On the one hand the film is lauded as a milestone for Asian representation (first Hollywood movie in 25 years with an all Asian cast and director), on the other hand it has been criticized for its glorification of the culture of opulence among Singapore’s one per cent.

Some say the movie is not “Asian enough” and falls into the trap of representing its characters according to white norms, while others suggest that one should lighten up and enjoy it for what it is: an exquisitely produced romantic comedy.

If you watched Crazy Rich Asians in Vancouver (or, say, in Richmond), your experience of the film may have been more complex still. Maybe it helped you explain to your non-Asian friends something about your family and the cultural meaning of dumplings.

Maybe it made you question just how Asian you are. Maybe it made you worry about the growing stereotypes of wealthy Asians in Metro Vancouver and the notion that the region is already “too Asian.” Maybe it did all – or none the above.

On Wednesday, October 10th, join distinguished panelists and 200 of your peers as we discuss our collective mixed reactions to Crazy Rich Asians. We will interweave short presentations and small and large group facilitated dialogues as we try to make sense of what we saw on screen, and what it means for us living in Metro Vancouver today.

Please note, this is not a screening of the movie. We encourage you to go see it in theatres before you attend the dialogue.

This event is aimed at UBC students, faculty and staff. You don’t need to be Asian to attend. Not even a little  bit.

Interested in attending? Sign up below.
