The Vice-Presidential Strategic Implementation Committee for Equity and Diversity (VPSICED) provides advice and recommendations to a vice-presidential oversight group as they lead university’s implementation of equity and inclusion plans.
The purpose of VPSICED is to advise on the:
- Identification of priorities and resource commitments pertaining to the needs of students and employees;
- Implementation of and approach to substantive equity issues in the campus climate
- Assessment and monitoring of progress against the strategic initiatives outlined in reports and plans such as Valuing Difference: A Strategy for Advancing Equity and Diversity at UBC, Renewing Our Commitment to Equity and Diversity: UBC’s response to the Task Force Recommendations or other strategies, reports or plans related to equity and inclusion.
- Provide input and/or advice to the Office of the University Counsel in relation to the creation or revision of policies of the UBC Board of Governors related to equity and diversity.
- Form advisory tables and working groups specific to strategic initiatives as established by reports and plans such as Valuing Difference and Renewing our Commitment to Equity & Diversity
The Committee meets five to six times per year with at least one meeting held at UBC Okanagan. The committee is chaired by the associate vice-president. A vice-chair is appointed from the existing membership by the lead vice-president.
Quorum requires the attendance of the lead vice-president (or designate), the associate vice-president, and at least half of the working group chairs.
Members normally serve a two-year term. The term can be renewed.
For the membership terms of reference please click here.
Terms of Reference
- VPSICED Terms of Reference
- Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diversity Working Group Terms of Reference (September 27, 2016)
- Race & Leadership Working Group Terms of Reference (October 5, 2016)
Meeting Minutes
- Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diversity Working Group Recommendations (September 27, 2016)
- Approved Recommendation by VPSICED (October 5, 2016)
- Race & Leadership Working Group Recommendations (January 30, 2017)
- Summary of Responses to the Recommendations of the Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diversity Working Group
- Letter from the Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diversity Working Group (April 2017)
- Employment Equity Data 2016
- Representation of Senior and Mid Managers by Designated Equity Group – Suppressed (October 2016)
To create a structural model that is flexible and responsive to the needs of the UBC community, the Committee will form Working Groups relevant to specific strategic initiatives and recommendations identified in reports and plans. The mandate of the Working Groups is to create action-oriented recommendations to the Committee on the implementation of strategic initiatives.
On the advice of the Committee, the AVP will invite subject matter experts from across both campuses to join the Working Groups. A Chair will be identified who will sit as a member of the Committee for the duration of the life of the Working Group. A member of the Equity and Inclusion Office will support each Working Group and provide administrative and research support.