Structural change

As one of the four change goals of the StEAR Framework, we’re working to develop institutional principles, paradigms, and processes that build organizational capacity to enable, drive, and sustain systems change through equitable and anti-racist leadership, governance, and accountability. 

Objectives and strategic actions

Last update: October 2024

1.1 Establish a robust strategic planning framework and feedback mechanisms to guide and enable measurable progress on university-wide anti-racism and equity efforts.

ItemStrategic action
ADevelop StEAR Framework, including StEAR Roadmap for Change, and a governance model to guide strategic action and accountability
BIdentify key performance indicators/measure of success and mechanisms to track progress
CAdminister annual (or bi-annual) university-wide inventory/assessment of decentralized efforts
DEstablish plan to communicate progress on StEAR (for example, web presence, town halls)
EConstitute and launch StEAR Implementation Coordinating Team

1.2 Develop data standards and governance mechanisms to enhance ethno-racial, gender identity, and broader intersectional demographic data collection and reporting.

ItemStrategic action
AReview and update data governance mechanisms using an equity and anti-racism lens
BReview and update data access principles and practices
CEnsure continued integration of EDI principles and goals into the design, delivery, sustainment and updates of Workday HR, Finance and Student, including the Integrated Renewal Program (IRP).
DDevelop guide and deliver training for use of demographic data for planning and decision-making
EEstablish data standards and processes to collect and report gendered records (for example, chosen names, pronouns, honorifics) supporting self-determination
FConsult on elimination of official collection and use of gendered honorifics, keeping only role prefixes

1.3 Collect and report on disaggregated and intersectional demographic and experiential data and facilitate just-in-time and self-serve data analysis for unit-planning purposes.

ItemStrategic action
AHire a second Equity Data Analyst jointly reporting to the EIO and the Planning and Institutional Research (PAIR) Office
BLaunch Student Demographic Diversity Survey and integrate into Workday Student
CEnhance annual Employment Equity Survey report to include employee lifecycle events
DEstablish system to consistently collect and appropriately use data from Job Applicant Equity Survey 
EEstablish protocols for entry and update of gendered data in Workday and Canvas
FDevelop systems and protocols to enable appropriate just-in-time unit access to job applicants’ demographic data 
GDevelop method to analyze and report on disaggregated experiential data from Workplace Experience Survey
HDevelop dashboard for self-serve reporting on current employees’ demographic data
IRenew faculty pay equity analysis by gender and develop methodology for ethno-racial analysis
JReview and improve statistical reporting of discrimination and harassment concerns and complaints 
KContinue to enhance periodic university-wide systems review and climate surveys for students and employees
LExplore how to capture university-wide climate/experience date for graduate students

1.4 Enhance capacity of senior leadership to incorporate equity and anti-racism principles in their decision-making.

ItemStrategic action
AIntroduce senior leader onboarding and training program
BDiversify Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP) curriculum and participants
CDevelop and disseminate tool for equity and anti-racism analysis to be applied during institution-wide policy/program (re)-design
DExpand Faculty, Vice-President portfolio, and departmental level Equity Leads as part of networked leadership
EDevelop a protocol for ethical community consultation and engagement of HPSM groups at UBC
FReview and improve the university’s event booking and speaker engagement protocol
GReview Appointment Policies AP5 (Deans/Principals) and AP9 (Academic Heads) and other related policies, with an equity and anti-racism lens

1.5 Develop and implement a holistic plan to advance Black excellence, inclusion, and flourishing. 

ItemStrategic action
AConnect existing and new central and decentralized Black excellence initiatives to form a comprehensive plan
BLaunch Black Faculty Cohort Hiring Initiative (UBCV) and associated programs to support retention
CExplore the expansion of Black Studies and establishment of a Centre for Global Black Scholarship 
DExplore establishing Black student admissions pathways and programs, and wrap-around supports

1.6 Enhance systems and processes for addressing discrimination and harassment concerns and complaints, and particularly those related to race-based grounds.

ItemStrategic action
AComplete Discrimination Policy (SC7) review
BDevelop discrimination response protocol to distribute to people managers
CUpdate UBC Statement on Respectful Environment and disseminate to supervisors and employees
DIdentify unit-level reporting mechanisms and protocols to elevate, track, and address systemic concerns (across protected grounds)

1.7 Establish structure and governance to develop and implement university accessibility priorities, with meaningful engagement and involvement of persons with disabilities.

ItemStrategic action
AEstablish an accessibility committee and accessibility plan to comply with the BC Accessibility Act
BDevelop a Centre for Workplace Accessibility Communications Plan
CImplement and evaluate the three-year Centre for Workplace Accessibility Program pilot and incorporate learning into future programs and structures
DLaunch initiatives to meet new tri-agency Canada Research Chair (CRC) equity goals, especially for persons with disabilities
ERevise the Workplace Accommodation Policy
FPromote Universal Design Learning (UDL) Initiatives for student, staff and faculty 

1.8 Enhance integration of EDI principles and practices across physical spaces and operational infrastructure (e.g., Facilities, Information Technology, and Financial Services).

ItemStrategic action
AReview procurement processes with an equity lens
BReview campus space planning with an equity lens
CReview procurement processes for information system and learning technologies including those involving AI technologies, with an equity, and especially, gender inclusion lens
DSecure spaces for racialized community support, connection, networking, community-building 
EEstablish multi-faith/multi-purpose spaces for prayer, spiritual reflection, quiet/solace
FReview residence all-gender and accessibility policies, housing assignments, washroom signage 
GIncrease and enhance all-gender change rooms in UBC Recreation facilities

1.9 Enhance integration of equity, inclusion, and antiracism principles and practices in University and Unit-Level Communications standards, protocols, and services.

ItemStrategic action
AIntegrate an equity and anti-racism lens into the Global Events Working Group 
BProvide training for communications personnel to integrate equity and anti-racism principles in communications 
CReview major institutional-level communications protocols with an equity and anti-racism lens
DReview central institutional brand and marketing principles and guides with an equity and anti-racism lens and disseminate to the campus community