Strategic Equity & Anti-Racism Enhancement Fund

The Strategic Equity & Anti-Racism (StEAR) Enhancement Fund provides funding for student, faculty and/or staff-led initiatives that seek to advance UBC’s equity and anti-racism priorities.

Funding overview

The StEAR Enhancement Fund is designed to support community-led initiatives that advance broad campus equity and anti-racism goals and priorities aligned with UBC’s StEAR Framework and Roadmap for Change. This year, a total of $300,000 is available across three calls for proposals to take place between September and December 2024. Applicants can apply for funds from $500 and up to $10,000 per project.

Funding is available for projects (for example events, programs and activities) at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan that align with one or more of the following thematic streams (notwithstanding the use of an intersectional lens):

  • Racial equity: Initiatives that seek to primarily address forms of racism and to advance racial equity. These may be directed to or augmented by the Indigenous Strategic Fund if appropriate.
  • Disability equity: Initiatives that seek to primarily address forms of ableism and to advance disability equity.
  • Gender and 2SLGBTQIA+ equity: Initiatives that seek to primarily address forms of sexism, heterosexism, homophobia, transphobia and to advance equity in relation to sexual and gender identity.

When considering requests to fund UBC community-led initiatives – whether through the StEAR Enhancement Fund or other EIO funding – applicants must affirm their project will follow Equity & Inclusion Office’s Principles Guiding Sponsorship of Community-led Events.

Please note that the Equity & Inclusion Office provides funding to recipients for the limited purposes set out in the funding agreement. The provision of the funding does not imply the EIO’s agreement with or support for the recipient’s positions nor does the funding represent an endorsement, approval, or certification by the EIO of any of the recipient’s beliefs, messages, opinions, or activities.


Applications will be accepted from:

  • Campus community groups led by an employee of UBC, student groups or clubs affiliated with the Alma Mater Society, the Graduate Student Society, Students’ Union Okanagan of UBC, a Faculty or school or another officially-recognized UBC organization.
  • Applicants must be current UBC students, faculty or staff. Students must be in good standing at the time of the application and for the duration of the project.

Proposals seeking funding for academic research that would be carried out in the normal course of work or study or that may be eligible for research funding will not be accepted.

Funding considerations

An annual funding amount will be allocated depending on discretionary funds available to and/or secured by the Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion and the Vice-President, Students. For the September 2024 to January 2025 period, a total of $300,000 is available for distribution across UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan.

  • The StEAR Enhancement Fund Committee may allocate up to $10,000 to a single proposal; generally, grants will range between $500 to $10,000.
  • Funds cannot be used for recurring salaries or operating funds. Where an initiative is seeking seed funding for a pilot initiative or as a bridge towards an ongoing initiative, a rationale for short-term seed or bridge funding must be strong and there needs to be a concrete sustainability plan.
  • Funds will be provided up front.
  • Allocated funds that are unspent, or in the event that the project/initiative/event/program is cancelled, must be returned.
  • Funds cannot be used to cover personal professional development or to attend conferences or workshops.
  • Funds will be transferred to UBC faculty/school/department or a student society account. We are not able to transfer funds to an individual’s account – student, faculty or staff.
  • Projects must be completed within a year from approval of funding. A project report must be submitted to the committee one month after the completion of the project. Future funding for the individual or group will be contingent upon receipt of this information.

Key dates

Please check-back for updates on the 2025 call for funding.

Project and reporting deadline

Projects must be completed within a year from approval of funding.  A project report must be submitted one month after the completion of the project.

Adjudication process and criteria

The StEAR Enhancement Fund Committee will review the proposals based on the eligibility, assessment and awarding criteria. The committee co-chairs will contact applicants to notify them of the decision and rationale, and announce approved proposals by the key dates listed above.

The Committee will ensure fair consideration of applications both campuses, from individuals and groups, as well as from students, faculty and staff community members. Any remaining funds will be carried over and into the general funding pool for redistribution the following year.


  • Clarity of alignment of the initiative with the purpose of the fund and any aspect of the StEAR Framework;
  • The feasibility of the proposal – realistic timeline and budget;
  • A plan for sustainability of the initiative into the future;
  • The availability of funds within any given funding cycle;
  • Benefit to and engagement of historically, persistently or systemically marginalized groups at UBC;
  • Proposals demonstrating collaborative partnerships across units, departments, Faculties/schools, VP portfolios or campuses are encouraged;
  • Proposals that leverage matching funds, shared funding, or additional sources of revenue are highly encouraged.

StEAR Enhancement Fund Committee

The Vice-President, Students and the Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion are co-executive sponsors of the StEAR Enhancement Fund. The Office of the Vice-President, Students (OVPS) and the Equity & Inclusion Office (EIO) will jointly administer the fund and constitute the StEAR Enhancement Fund Committee that represents both UBC Vancouver (UBCV) and UBC Okanagan (UBCO). The committee for the 2023/2024 funding cycle will include the following members:

  • Co-Chairs: Executive Director, OVPS and Director, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism, EIO
  • Manager, Administration, EIO
  • Associate Director, IBPOC Initiatives, OVPS
  • 1 faculty lead– appointed by the Provost, UBCO
  • 1 faculty lead – appointed by the Provost, UBCV
  • AMS representative
  • SUO representative
  • GSS representative

The committee will forward a report of its activities annually to the President’s Executive.

Frequently asked questions

If my application is successful, how will I receive the funds?

Funds will only to be transferred to a UBC Faculty, school, department or a student society (AMS, SUO or GSS) account through the provision of a Program Code by its finance department or relevant finance contact. 

The application asks that you identify where the funds will be transferred to and a contact name that can provide the necessary details for us to complete the transfer of funds.

Have you designated a set amount of funds – out of the total funding pool – to each of the eligible groups: student, staff and faculty?

We have not allocated funds to each group. However, the adjudication committee will weigh its final recommendations to ensure a fair distribution of funds across all three groups as much as it is able to.

Have you designated a set amount of funds specifically for UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan?

We have not allocated funds specific to a campus. The committee will review all applications and, as with the applicant groups, will strive to ensure equity in granting between the two campuses.

Is there a portion of the funds that are held back until the project is completed?

The full amount approved will be awarded. We request and expect a brief final report upon completion of the project.

Does this fund support academic research projects?

This fund is designed for initiatives that can promote broad community-based projects. It is not designed to support research projects.

Is it a requirement that Faculty, unit, department, student societies or other partners or groups also provide a financial contribution?

There is no requirement for other financial contributions to a project. However, collaborative projects that draw from different sources of funding or expertise are welcomed.

Can this fund pay for a staff position?

The fund is not intended to cover ongoing operational costs, however project specific, student staffing costs to support the execution of a project will be considered.

Can this fund be used to purchase training/workshops?

The fund aims to support initiatives that have a broad community impact. If the training is part of an ongoing process to advance system change it may be considered for funding. Be advised that the EIO is currently working on an educational resource hub; you may want to connect with the EIO to see about available supports for your training needs.

Application process

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the application is fully completed and all required information is included for the committee’s consideration by the relevant funding cycle deadline posted. Applicants who require assistance to navigate the application process may email for support or further information.