Activating Inclusion Toolkit

A participant discusses diversity at UBC's Collective Impact workshop

At UBC, we are committed to embedding equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across the university’s systems, policies, and practices.

The Activating Inclusion Toolkit is designed to support units across UBC in incorporating EDI into their strategic planning, priority initiatives, and systems and structures more broadly. The toolkit is an evolving library of tools, guides, and resources that support EDI planning and implementation – as well as equitable and inclusive processes.

Tools for EDI Planning, Learning, and Action

Cycle of planning, learning, and action

Cycle of planning, learning and action

The toolkit is organized into four phases which constitute a cycle of planning, learning, and action. Each phase contains multiple tools; units may decide to use one or more of the tools in each phase depending on their needs and context.

Strengthen foundations

This tool supports leaders to create effective committees or working groups to guide their efforts in implementing UBC’s inclusion action plan or other strategic equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts. It guides committees through developing a strong and effective Terms of Reference document.


This guide provides an overview of the role that Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committees can play and offers guidance for developing one within your division, unit, or department at UBC.


This tool provides a framework for individuals and teams to apply an equity, diversity, and inclusion lens to their decisions, especially in moments of urgency.


Assess current state

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool (EDI SAT) helps UBC units and academic departments better understand how their work is advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at UBC and better identify where might be areas of opportunity or growth within their units and departments. The EDI SAT consists of a series of topic statements designed to give units and departments an opportunity to assess how their practices, processes and policies are equitable and inclusive.

Download the introductory EDI SAT guide.

To access the EDI SAT, please complete the EDI SAT online request form and a copy will be sent to you via email.

This tool supports leaders and teams to collaboratively analyze relevant and available equity, diversity, and inclusion data through a participatory analysis process. After using this tool, teams will have a summary of their key insights. These insights can be shared more broadly within the unit and integrated into the next phases of the unit’s inclusion action planning.

Download tool

This tool provides a starting point for units to develop an evidence base on which to build their EDI plans and actions. It guides teams to establish what they already know about EDI in their unit and any gaps in knowledge that may exist.


This tool supports groups interested in using a survey to gather information about equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) experiences or climates in their unit (department, Faculty, division) with key considerations for how to decide whether to conduct a survey and how to conduct it in a way that is consistent with EDI principles. After using this tool, teams will have made and documented important decisions contributing to the effectiveness of an EDI survey.


Plan and prioritize actions

This tool supports planning committees in units (departments, Faculties, and divisions) to situate their EDI initiatives within a larger context of systems change, and to more precisely articulate the changes they are working toward. After using this tool, committees should have a shared understanding of the intended outcomes and/or impacts of their initiative and how their initiative can contribute to systemic change.

Download tool

This tool supports units to prioritize and refine an existing list of ideas for potential actions or projects that would advance inclusion.


This tool provides units with a template to document their plans for actions and initiatives that advance equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and guides units through the process of creating an action plan.


Activate, Evaluate, Iterate

The purpose of this tool is to support those leading EDI projects and initiatives to draw out lessons learned, while measuring progress towards their EDI goals and objectives. After using this tool, teams will have developed an approach to evaluate their initiatives. 


Previous tools

This tool is for individuals or groups with leadership or authority to influence how their Faculty, division, department or unit engages with the UBC Inclusion Action Plan. It guides such groups through a process of reviewing the IAP to identify relevant goals and actions that can be implemented within their context.


Have feedback or additional toolkit suggestions?

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