EDI in TAing workshop

Are you a new or returning Teaching Assistant (TA) at UBC Vancouver? Join this workshop to learn how you can build a more equitable learning environment.


As a TA, you are an important resource for both students and instructors. You can help build a more equitable learning environment in how you set expectations, manage online and in-person classroom interactions, and in how you approach evaluating student work. Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is not just about the content that you teach; it is about how the class is set-up and conducted. In this workshop you will learn about power and privilege within the learning environment, the policies and guidelines that frame your work, and how best to support students as you navigate ethical dilemmas and potential conflicts.

This online synchronous session (offered through Zoom) is foundational to supporting an equitable and inclusive learning environment, while enhancing department and program-specific TA training. Please register to attend the section that best fits your academic discipline and schedule.

Note: Departments who would like to use this as a component for their TA training, please email Rachael.Sullivan@ubc.ca to learn how you can receive confirmation of the TAs who attended from your department, program, or school at UBC.

These sessions are presented by

Adam Arca, Graduate Student Facilitator, CCEI TA Project (CTLT & EIO) and Daniel Gallardo, Graduate Student Facilitator, CCEI TA Project (CTLT & EIO) .

Upcoming sessions