Messages from the AVP

Aerial images of UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver joined together

New institutional roadmap to guide implementation of EDI priorities

The StEAR Roadmap for Change is a substantive component of the Framework that includes a detailed set of objectives and strategic actions to be implemented over the next three to five years. 

Photo of Dr. Arig al Shaibah

Reconciling expression rights and equality rights to advance social equity

As the university sector deepens its commitments to advancing social equity, the capacity to reconcile expression and equality rights is more important than ever to maintain the vitality of the university and its increasingly diversifying community of students, scholars, and staff.

Photo of Dr. Arig al Shaibah

Recognizing leadership of trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary students, faculty and staff

March 31 is Trans Day of Visibility, an intentional opportunity to celebrate and recognize the valuable contributions of trans community members, but also to reflect on how we can all contribute to inclusion. This year, I would like to recognize the following UBC community members for their dedication and leadership: Amidst these individual recognitions, I’d […]

Photo of Dr. Arig al Shaibah

March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racism

Read the statement from Arig al Shaibah, Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion, in recognition of March 21, the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Photo of Dr. Arig al Shaibah

Remarks: Acts of kindness

The following remarks were delivered by Arig al Shaibah, Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion, during the annual event to mark the Anti-Bullying or “Pink Shirt Day” held on February 22, 2023 and organized by the Vice-President, Finance and Operations portfolio.

Photo of Dr. Arig al Shaibah

Centering care and supporting community-led affinity spaces in response to global events: A message from the AVP

On September 27, a university statement was posted to express concern for the situation in Iran emerging after the death of Mahsa Amini, and to acknowledge the courage of those standing up for human rights and freedoms. As the situation unfolds, and thousands of change agents and allies continue to gather in Iran, in Canada, and around the world, it is clear that the impacts on the Iranian diaspora and international scholars and learners at UBC will be protracted and profound.

Photo of Dr. Arig al Shaibah

Actioning UBC’s commitments to equity and anti-racism: A message from the AVP

As the fall term begins, Arig al Shaibah, Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion shares an update to the community on UBC’s progress on its commitments to equity and inclusion.