Catalogue of decentralized EDI efforts across UBC

UBC’s catalogue of decentralized equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) efforts is a collection of example initiatives that are led by Faculties, Vice-President portfolios, departments and units across the university.


The catalogue includes examples drawn from the annually updated StEAR Inventory: Mapping UBC’s Decentralized EDI Practices & Initiatives. Only those examples that were approved by units for sharing with the broader community are included.

Please note that the information in the catalogue represents only a fraction of the information gathered via the StEAR inventory process. Units’ full inventory submissions are used as part of our StEAR evaluation approach and progress reporting, including the 2024 Supplementary StEAR Inventory Report. In addition, units were given the option to select one to three initiatives to share in this catalogue.


Browse the initiatives in the below catalogue. You can customize the view further by choosing to “filter”, “group”, “sort”, and “search” the records.

If you wish to access the catalogue full screen, click on the View larger version link on the bottom right of the embedded display.

More information

Please contact Maureen Mendoza, Project Manager for more information.