Different Together: Can We Make It Happen

Please join us for a conversation inspired by the global anti-racism protests and BC’s #DifferentTogether pledge

The events of the past couple of weeks have brought into light the pervasiveness of anti-Black racism, and inspired strong waves of activism for a just society. This is a moment of historic change. Here in Canada and around we are witnessing powerful movements against racism. This forum brings us together to share our thoughts about this time and the potential for shaping our collective futures at UBC and beyond. Centering the voices of students and impacted community members, the forum gives us a window into the grief and the liberating potential of this moment.

The event will open with remarks from The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. She has recently launched the #DifferentTogether pledge on Twitter, a pledge from which we have drawn inspiration for this event. We will follow with remarks from four panelists, after which the floor will be opened for questions and discussion.

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The Honourable Janet Austin (opening remarks)
OBC, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia

Deborah Buszard (opening remarks)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan

Ali Poostizadeh (opening remarks)
President, UBC Students’ Union Okanagan


Janet Udochi
Second-year Arts Student and President, UBC Okanagan African Caribbean Student Club 

Binta Sesay
Second-year International Relations Major and Equity and Inclusion Assistant in the UBCO Equity and Inclusion Office.

Ainsley Carry
Vice-President, Students, UBC

Ananya Mukherjee Reed
Provost and Vice President Academic, UBC Okanagan


Perpetuah Muthui
Inclusion Action Plan Strategist, Equity & Inclusion Office, UBC Okanagan